ICC - International Certificate of Competence
Five Day ICC Course
RYA Day Skipper
RYA Competent Crew
RYA Coastal Skipper
Offshore BlueWater Passage Making
Private Instruction
ICC Assessment

International Certificate of Competency (ICC) One-Day Exam
The one-day ICC exam is ideal for experienced sailors who are capable of satisfying all the basic sailing, docking and navigating exercises required for a day sail. The students will be required to practically demonstrate a series of maneuvers under sail and power, effectively manage the vessel in varying wind, weather and tidal conditions and demonstrate deployment of anchoring and docking procedures. The student will also be required to demonstrate knowledge of navigation theory, collision regulations and “rules of the road”.
The exam is undertaken in protected waters with a minimum of 3 students onboard. Students are strongly encouraged to complete the online RYA Day Skipper Theory Course available at www.NauticEd.org, before attempting the exam.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a test situation not an instructional day. . All students accept that a fail grade is possible. Failing candidates will need to resit the entire exam at a later date to achieve a pass.
A VHF license is not part of my curriculum however the FCC will issue one. Go to http://allaboutboats.blogspot.com/2006/05/fcc-vhf-license-required-for-cruising.html?m=1
RYA Five Day & ICC Practical Courses

Our 5 day courses are geared for couples & families looking to charter or purchase a cruising catamaran. The International Certificate of Competence is included for qualifying students.
From the first moment to the last it's a "hand's-on" experience and the instruction is done in a low-key, easy going manner. There's never a shouted word or barked command so you’ll both learn to sail without drama, communicate silently and manage the yacht smoothly and stress free. For couples, you’ll learn to run the boat together, without anxiety or panic, communicating calmly and sailing away like newlyweds!
After mastering the fundamentals on day’s one and two, students will be introduced to more complex sailing and navigational challenges including tidal calculations, passage planning and "rules of the road". Ultimately we'll have a crack at night sailing, blind navigation, enhanced docking techniques and many more challenging situations, all done peacefully and calmly.
Staying-put is just as important as getting there, so students will learn the best methods to select an overnight location and the skills to stay there! Dragging anchor is not an option…Ever!
The week includes all meals, snacks and soft drinks, linen, towels and inshore wet weather gear. Before arrival we encourage students to refresh their navigation, collision regulations and vessel identification skills with NauticEd online theory courses.
By the end of the course everyone will be wishing it was Monday again, however the theory would have been put into application and students gained the necessary practical skills from Yachting Education to be a true sailor.
Depending on prior experience and demonstrated skill level, students who satisfy both theory and practical standards will be awarded the International Certificate of Competency, RYA Day Skipper, RYA Competent Crew, or RYA Coastal Skipper certifications.
Offshore Passage Making
Now's your chance to join Yachting Education for an offshore experience you'll never forget. If you want some adventure, these voyages have it all! As part of each voyage you will:
Depart the hustle and bustle of daily life heading into the solitude and adventure of the open ocean. You'll be putting your NauticEd navigation theory to the ultimate test when you join the "blue water" sailors of the world and embark on an extended overnight or multi-day passage. The thrill of making landfall and a well deserved beverage will be yours to experience at the end of each leg.....but that's not all.
This may be the best way to step off the earth for awhile, but it's not a trip for the faint hearted! You'll be a major part of the crew, taking watches, trimming sails, navigating, planning & correcting headings and all the while ensuring the safety and security of the team during your watch.
Telephone: 803-280-0881